To register a security notice you must be logged on as a registered user. You will also need a payment account with a credit balance greater than the required fee. The Registering as a Business Registry User Guide will take you through the registration process.
There are four types of security transactions that can be registered:
- Notice of Security Interest
- Notice of Prior Transaction
- Notice of Lien
- Notice of Prior Lien
Prior Transactions and Liens should only be filed in relation to a transaction that arose prior to commencement of the PPSA. The registration of prior notice services will only be available on the menu until 28 May 2017. There is no fee for filing notices of prior transactions or prior liens.
For an illustrated step by step guide to registering, maintaining and searching the PPSA register please download the PPSR User Guide.
Steps to registering a Secured Transaction
- Login to the Samoa register website using your User ID and password.
- A registration application can be started from the “Do it now” menu or the Online Services, Secured Transactions menu. Select the appropriate secured transaction registration service.
- On the Secured Parties tab enter the details of each Secured Party.Click the “Add” button and choose whether the secured party is a person, company registered in Samoa or other entity.
Fill in the security party details. Fields marked with an asterisk * must be completed.
Click the “Done” button to finish entering the details for this secured party.
Choose the “Add” button to add another secured party, repeating above steps, until all the secured parties are entered. - From the Secure Parties tab choose to either:
– Edit or remove from the list of added secured parties by clicking “Edit Secured Party” or “Remove” button next to each secured party listing.
– Click the “Cancel” button to cancel your application.
– If you need additional time to complete the filing, click the “Save & Exit” button to save the application to continue later.The time limit on the draft application is noted at the top of the application or on your dashboard.
– Click the “Next Step: Debtors” button to continue. - On the Debtors tab enter the details of each Debtor.
– Click the “Add” button and choose whether the debtor is a person, company registered in Samoa or other entity.
– Click the “Done” button to finish entering the details for this debtor.
– Choose the “Add” button to add another debtor, repeating above steps, until all the debtors are entered. - From the Debtor tab choose to either:
– Edit or removed from the list of added debtors by clicking “Edit Debtor” or “Remove” button next to each debtor listing.
– Click the “Cancel” button to cancel your application.
– Click the “Save & Exit” button to save the application to continue later.
– Click the “Next Step: Collateral” button to continue. - On the Collateral tab enter the details of the Collateral. There are three ways to enter collateral:
i) you may enter free-form text (and can use copy/paste);
ii) you may enter a VIN (chassis number) for a motor vehicle; and/or
iii) you may upload a separate document, such as a PDF.
– Click the “Add” button and choose whether the collateral is general collateral or a motor vehicle.
– Fill in the collateral details.
– Click the “Done” button to finish entering the details for this collateral.
– Choose the “Add” button to add another collateral, repeating above steps, until all collateral is entered - From the Collateral tab choose to either:
– Edit or removed from the list of added collateral by clicking “Edit Collateral” or “Remove” button next to each collateral listing.
– Click the “Cancel” button to cancel your application.
– Click the “Save & Exit” button to save the application to continue later.
– Click the “Next Step: Review” button to continue. - Review the information you have entered in your application.
– Errors or missing information will be highlighted with an exclamation icon.
– Click the “Save & Exit” button to save the application to continue later.
If there are no errors, there will be an “Apply” button at the bottom of the review information.
– Click the “Apply” button to submit your registration. - You must have a payment account with a credit balance greater than the required fee to complete your application.
If you do not have an account or sufficient credit you can “Cancel” from the payment account, confirm you wish to exit the payment screen then select “Pay Later”.
“Save and Exit” or “Pay Later” will add an item to the “My Unfinished Business” on your dashboard.
You can continue with an application by clicking on the application listed in this area.
– Complete your payment details. For “Payment Method” select “Account”. - After payment you will be returned to your dashboard
Note your “My Items” tab will list your new secured transaction registration.