Frequently Asked Questions

Question: My Company details have a spelling mistake or other discrepancies, what should I do?

Answer: It is your responsibility to ensure the details of companies you are responsible for are correct on the register. However, if you feel an error has been made by the Registry or are unable to correct your company details please contact the staff of the Registries of Companies. You can contact them on or telephone 20441 ext 120, 125 and 132.

Question: Why does certain website content not display properly?

Answer: Your browser may be running an older version that is not supported by us. The website works best with ANY of following browsers:

Mozilla Firefox version 3.6 or above (download here)

Google Chrome (download here)

Safari (download here)

For further information about optimum software and site settings click here.

Question: Do I need to register an account to perform a company search?

Answer: No registration is required.